Using Media Tools to Advance Your Nonprofit’s Mission

I was honored to join Montgomery Community Media CEO Jasmine Nykole White, MA, MPA, at the Inaugural Nonprofit Conference at Montgomery College. The theme was “Building Nonprofit Infrastructure to Strengthen Community Services.” Jasmine and I hosted a breakout session on “Using Media Tools to Advance Your Mission.”

Are you looking for media tools for your nonprofit? Here are ten tips to get you started.

  1. Storytelling Videos: Create compelling videos that showcase your nonprofit’s mission, impact, and success stories. Use beneficiaries, volunteers, and staff testimonials to connect with your audience emotionally.
  2. Live Streaming: Use platforms like Facebook Live, YouTube Live, or Instagram Live to broadcast events, fundraisers, and behind-the-scenes content. Engage with your audience in real time.
  3. Podcast Series: Start a podcast to share in-depth stories, interviews, and discussions related to your nonprofit’s mission or that of your grantees and partners. Podcasts are a great way to connect with your audience and provide valuable information.
  4. Training: Take advantage of training programs like Montgomery Community Media offers. We offer courses in video production, editing, social media marketing, and more tailored to the needs of nonprofits.
  5. Partner with Local Media: Collaborate with local media outlets or influencers to feature your nonprofit’s work. This partnership can help you reach a wider audience.
  6. Website and Blog: Maintain a blog to regularly update stakeholders about your activities, achievements, and upcoming events. Incorporate multimedia content like images and videos into your blog posts.
  7. Newsletter Campaigns: Send regular newsletters featuring stories, updates, and calls to action to your subscribers. Include multimedia elements to make them visually appealing.
  8. Volunteer Endorsements: Feature video testimonials from volunteers, sharing their experiences and why they chose to support your nonprofit.
  9. Optimize Operations: Use self-guided multimedia for internal purposes by creating training videos to onboard new volunteers or staff efficiently. Produce orientation videos to familiarize new members with how to do business with your organization.
  10. Virtual Meetings: Utilize video conferencing tools for team or board member meetings, reducing the need for in-person gatherings and guaranteeing participation.

Digital Media News: Closing Out The Week With Five Things To Know

Ripped from the headlines, here are five things you should know this week for your digital and social media professional development.

Copyblogger: The Savvy Marketer’s Checklist for Seductive Landing Pages – Ever wonder what you could do to stop people from bouncing off your landing pages? You work hard to polish your sales copy. You’ve even recorded a snazzy demonstration video. But when you check your site’s analytics? You feel soooo frustrated. And the worst thing is … you don’t know what else you can do. How can you improve your conversion rates? Use the 40 tips in our landing page checklist to see where you’ve gone wrong. Or, use the checklist to create a landing page from scratch. See your email list grow faster, your webinars sell out, and your product sales go through the roof.

Here's What's NewRe/code: Twitter vs. Meerkat – Meerkat, the undisputed belle of the 2015 SXSW ball, was hobbled by Twitter’s mid-festival announcement of its acquisition of rival Periscope. The social video-sharing app had achieved a healthy dose of buzz for its savvy integration with the Twitter platform. Yet within hours of the news of its Periscope acquisition, Twitter fired the torpedoes: Informing its upstart rival that it would no longer have access to Twitter’s social graphing capabilities, which allowed Meerkat users to automatically push their livestreams out to their Twitter followers without building a separate contact list in the Meerkat app. Platform owner has significant power. Startup building on that platform is vulnerable. Platform owner capitalizes on its clout and attempts to move in for the kill. Sound familiar? It’s the hypothetical worst-case scenario so often cited by proponents of Title II net neutrality regulations — proponents including Twitter itself. [ED NOTE: This is the one to watch]

POLITICO: The Mobile Election – How smartphones will change the 2016 presidential race -As Hillary Clinton prepares for the formal launch of her campaign, and as Jeb Bush and Scott Walker are neck and neck in the polls, roughly two out of every three American adults, or 64 percent, own a smartphone, according to a new report from Pew. On the consumption side, the rise in mobile will “change politics the same way it is changing American life broadly,” said Ben Smith, the editor-in-chief of BuzzFeed. “People will organize and persuade on mobile devices and apps, the same way they live on them more broadly. Though mobile usage is highest among younger Americans, news consumption is “common even among older smartphone owners,” as “four-in-ten smartphone owners ages 65 and older use their phone at least occasionally to keep up with breaking news.” On the media side, the rise in mobile usage will increase the number of citizen reporters, whose influence on recent political campaigns has been quite significant. Video footage of an errant remark — from George Allen’s “Macaca” moment in 2006 to Mitt Romney’s “47 percent” moment in 2012 — can have more influence on a political campaign than any traditional news report.

Forbes: The Rise Of The Female CDO – The Chief Digital Officer is one role where women are outpacing men by two to one, according to a FierceCIO article citing research by Gartner , which also notes that the number of CDOs who are women has been growing dramatically every year. There are certainly some prominent examples, including Rachel Haot, CDO for New York State (and previously the City of New York), who was chosen Chief Digital Officer of the Year in 2014 by the CDO Club. Others include Jessica Federer at Bayer , Linda Avery of the Federal Reserve and Julie Bornstein, who holds the positions of both CMO and CDO of Sephora . [ED NOTE: Yay! That is all.]

1Harvard Business Review: Defining Strategy, Implementation, and Execution – It is striking how much confusion there is between strategy, implementation, and execution. Is “strategy” a matter of making choices about where we want to go, where we play and how we win, of setting goals and actions, about how we create and capture economic value over time? Is “getting things done” what we mean by implementation or execution? Do you “execute” or “implement” a strategy? And can you separate these from strategy formation? For strategy wonks like me, thinking about the definitions of these ideas provides endless fascination. For many business leaders, however, I find that the semantics matter a lot less. And that’s too bad because the semantics should matter. There are meaningful distinctions between strategy, implementation, and execution that are helpful to running a company or business in the real world. Ignoring, blurring, or getting them wrong creates sloppy thinking, deciding, and doing at all levels of an organization. Let’s start with strategy.

Teaching VISTAs how to use Social Media tools

Virtual workshops… real social change.

Working for Campaign Consultation, Inc. as a TA (Technical Assistant) Provider for AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteer In Service To America) I produce a monthly online “webshop” to teach VISTAs how to use various Social Media tools in their service or for their organization.  Social Media Monday (SMM) webshops are offered each month to provide members, sponsors, community leaders, alumni, and others with hands-on access to social media applications and an opportunity to learn how to strategically use these tools to create social change.

In addition to lending my technology expertise, I book a variety of guest with on-the-ground experience. Each month, we aim to give VISTAs a specific set of skills to assist them in their role and in their social change efforts.  Want to learn more about our Social Media Monday webshops?  Visit the VISTA Campus and login as a guest to see archives of past webshops and to see what is coming up in the months ahead.